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Boogers Forum - KT - June 07

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Boogers Forum => Khaleej Times => KT - June 07




(322 posts so far)
06/07/2008 5:51am (UTC)[quote]

ACCOUNTS ASSISTAT, FILIPINA, REQUIRED for a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 04-3974905 {1449630}


ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT, Filipina, required for a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 04-3974905 {1449638}


ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT, Filipina, required for a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 04-3974905 {1449629}


ARTS & MUSIC TEACHER, REQUIRED for a private school. Fax to 04-2679593 {1454336}


BRITISH/ NATIVE SPEAKERS, TO teach English for an Institute in Dubai, required. Call 050-5258501. {1449657}


BRITISH/ NATIVE SPEAKERS, TO teach English, for an Institute in Bur Dubai, required. Call 050-4764807. {1449640}


COMPUTER TEACHER, INDIAN, to teach MS Office required, for an institute in Satwa, required. Call 04-3448060. {1454273}


ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER, for an Institute, required. Fax CV to 04- 2246199 or email CV to {1454277}


ENGLISH TEACHER, FOR A REPUTED Institute in Bur Dubai, required. Call 050-4764807. {1454329}


ENGLISH TEACHER, INDIAN, FULL time, for an Institute in Dubai, (visa provided). Call 04-3974905. {1449624}


FACULTY, TO TEACH ART & DESIGNING required, for a university in Dubai. Email CV to {1454285}


FACULTY, TO TEACH BBA, MBA & engineering courses, required for a university in Dubai. Email CV to {1454283}


FACULTY, TO TEACH COMPUTER engineering & architectural courses required, in RAK. Email CV to {1454280}


FEMALE TEACHERS, WITH, 2 YEARS experience required, for a reputed English Medium School in dubai for Physics ( ), Chemistry ( ), Biology ( ), Maths (Msc), English (BA) & Primary Level (B.A, B.ED). Send CV to P.O Box:621, Dubai. {1450426}


FITNESS INSTRUCTOR, EAST EUROPEAN or South Asian, with work exp as gym / fitness trainor, below 30 years of age, required. Email CV to {1449496}


FOUNDATION AND NURSERY TEACHERS, Western nationals with English as first language (UK, USA, AUS, NZ, SA), with relevant qualifications and British curriculum experience, required. Email CV to {1454007}


GRAPHIC /WEB DESIGNER, PART /full time, required for a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 04-3974905 {1449632}


GYM INSTRUCTOR, EAST EUROPEAN or South Asian, with work exp as gym / fitness trainor, below 30 years of age, required. Email CV to {1449479}


MANAGEMENT TRAINER, FULL time/ part time, for a reputed Institute in Bur Dubai, required. Call 04-3974905. {1449636}


MANAGEMENT TRAINERS (EUROPEAN), required for a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 050-4764807 {1449649}


NATIVE SPAKERS, REQUIRED FOR a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 050-5258501 {1449660}


PMP CERTIFIED TRAINERS, PART time, to teach project Management for an Institute in Dubai, required. Call 050-4764807. {1449642}


SAP INSTRUCTOR, PART TIME, required for a reputed institute in Bur Dubai. Call 050-4764807 {1449647}


TEACHERS, FULL TIME/ PART time, for a reputed Institute in Bur Dubai, required. Call 04-3974905. {1449627}


TEACHING ASSISTANT, WITH PIANO playing ability, qualified and with relevant experience, required for a British nursery school. Preference given to those on husband’s / father’s visa. Email CV to {1454003}


POSTGRADUATE TEACHER, TAMIL, EXPERIENCED to handle secondary classes for a CBSE school in sharjah. Fax CV to 06-5344000 or Call to 06-5340000 {1450125}


TEACHERS, FEMALE TRAINED & experienced required, for Physics secondary level, for an Indian school. Fax CV to 06-5228191 {1454286}


TEACHERS, TO TEACH ENGLISH, Hindi, Maths, & Science required, for a school. Fax CV to 06-5228191. {1454291}


ASSISTANT STAFF NURSE, 4.30 PM - 9 pm, required. Email {1452714}


CARDIOLOGIST, MD CARDIOLOGY, with 7 years experience, Bilingual with MOH license, required for a leading institution in healthcare specialties in Dubai. Apply at: {1452892}


CARDIOLOGIST, WITH 5 YEARS experience and DOH licence, required. Email {1453010}


CONSULTANT ANESTHESIOLOGIST, with 7 years experience, Bilingual with MOH license, required for a leading institution in healthcare specialties in Dubai. Apply at: {1452895}


COSMETOLOGIST, FEMALE, WITH relevant qualification and experience, for a reputed skin clinic, required. Fax CV 04-3420099. {1453013}


DENTAL ASSISTANT WITH/ WITHOUT MOH ON husbands visa, for a polyclinic in Sharjah, Arabic speaking preferred, required. Call 055-8842468. {1452533}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, FEMALE, with DOH licence, for a clinic, required. Email {1452616}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, FOR A CLINIC in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-3987076. {1452683}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, WITH DOH LICENCE, FOR a dental clinic in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-3559811. {1452802}


DENTAL NURSE ASSISTANT, WITH or without DOH licence, for a medical centre, in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-2288744. {1454721}


DENTAL STAFF NURSE, 4.30 PM - 9 pm, required. Email {1452713}


DENTIST / SKIN SPECIALIST REQUIRED for a well established clinic in Deira. Fax CV to 04-2285238 {1451935}


DENTIST, FOR A CLINIC IN DEIRA, required. Email {1452734}


DENTIST, WITH DOH LICENCE, for a medical centre in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-2288744. {1454716}


DOCTORS, WITH DOH OR WITHOUT DOH license required, for a medical centre in Dubai. Email CV to {1455061}


ENT SPECIALIST FOR A POLYCLINIC NEAR Sharjah, required. Fax CV to 06- 5626656 or email to {1453295}


ENT, FEMALE, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre, required. Call 050-6261941. {1452795}


GASTROENTEROLOGIST, EUROPEAN and American Board with 4 years experience, required. Email CV to {1453396}


GP DOCTOR, SOUTH INDIAN WITH DOH license, for a Clinic in Al Quoz, required. Fax CV to 04-3395578. {1451130}


GP, MALE, INDIAN, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre, required. Email {1452786}


GP, WITH DOH LICENCE, FOR A medical centre in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-3203360. {1452792}


GP, WITH MOH LICENCE, REQUIRED. Call 050-5849244. {1452776}


GYNAECOLOGIST, FEMALE, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre, required. Call 050-6261941. {1452794}


GYNECOLOGIST, WITH DOH LICENCE, for a medical centre in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-2288744. {1454710}


LABORATORY TECHNICIAN REQUIRED for a Diagnostic centre in Sharjah. Fax CV 06-5651335. {1451114}


LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, REQUIRED for a diagnostic centre in Sharjah. fax CV 06-5651335 {1451858}


MALE NURSE, REQUIRED URGENTLY FOR a contracting company in UAE, candidates with relevant experience & qualification . Apply online at {1451696}


NEONATOLOGIST, WITH EXPERIENCE in neonatal ICU and DOH licence, required. Fax CV 04-3988444. {1452934}


NEUROLOGIST, AMERICAN OR European board with at least 8 years post experienced, required. Email CV to {1449990}


NEUROLOGIST, MD NEUROLOGY, with 7 years experience, Bilingual with MOH license, required for a leading institution in healthcare specialties in Dubai. Apply at: {1452873}


NURSE (MALE/ FEMALE), SOUTH Indian with DOH license for a clinic in Al Quoz, required. Fax CV to 04-3395578. {1451134}


NURSE WITH/ WITHOUT MOH ON husbands visa, for a polyclinic in Sharjah, Arabic speaking preferred, required. Call 055-8842468. {1452546}


NURSE, FEMALE, 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE, for a clinic, required. Fax CV 04-2280525. {1452919}


NURSE, FEMALE, ARABIC SPEAKING, with 2 years experience, for a centre in DHCC, required. Email {1452896}


NURSE, FEMALE, ON HUSBAND’S visa, computer literate, required for a surgical clinic in Satwa. Call 050-5643845 {1452907}


NURSE, FOR A MEDICAL CENTRE in Deira, Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-2628432. {1452876}


NURSE, FOR A MEDICAL CENTRE in Karama, required. Call 04-3975660. {1452859}


NURSE, ON HUSBANDS VISA OR fathers visa, in Deira, 9 am - 1 pm and 5 pm - 9 pm, required. Call 050-6526844. {1452925}


NURSE, ON HUSBANDS VISA, WITH DOH licence, in Al Quoz, required. Email {1452927}


NURSE, REQUIRED FOR A MEDICAL center in Karama. Call 050-8556248 {1450265}


NURSE, WITH DOH LICENCE, FOR a dental clinic in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-3559811. {1452801}


NURSE, WITH MOH LICENCE, REQUIRED. Call 050-5849244. {1452777}


OB/ GYNECOLOGIST AMERICAN OR European board with at least 8 years post experienced, required. Email CV to {1449992}


OPTOMETRIST, REQUIRED FOR optical retail chain. Email CV to {1453945}


ORTHO, SOUTH INDIAN WITH DOH license, for a Clinic in Al Quoz, required. Fax CV to 04-3395578. {1451133}


ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALIST, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453029}


ORTHOPEDIC SURGEION - AMERICAN OR European board with at least 8 years post experienced, required. Email CV to {1449993}


PATHOLOGIST, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453025}


PEDIATRICIAN, PART TIME, 5 PM - 9 pm, for a clinic in Deira, salary Dhs.10000, required. Fax CV 04-2680317. {1452929}


PEDIATRICIAN, WITH DOH LICENCE, for a medical centre in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-2288744. {1454711}


PEDIATRICIAN, WITH EXPERIENCE in neonatal ICU and DOH licence, required. Fax CV 04-3988444. {1452932}


PHARMACIST, FILIPINO, WITH MOH licence, for a pharmacy, required. Email {1452961}


PHARMACIST, MALE OR FEMALE, with MOH and with or without DOHMS licence, required. Email {1452963}


PHARMACIST, WITH DOH AND MOH licence and experience, required. Fax CV 04-3457052. {1452958}


PHARMACIST, WITH DOH/ MOH licence, for a pharmacy, required. Email 050-7884363. {1452969}


PHARMACIST, WITH MOH AND DOH licence, for a reputed pharmacy in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-3381330. {1452972}


PHARMACIST, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a pharmacy in Dubai, required. Fax CV 04-3973565. {1452992}




PHYSIOTHERAPIST, FOR A POLYCLINIC near Sharjah, required. Fax CV to 06- 5626656 or email to {1453034}


PHYSIOTHERAPIST, FOR A POLYCLINIC near Sharjah, required. Fax CV to 06- 5626656 or email to {1453036}


RADIOLOGIST, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453009}


SKIN SPECIALIST, FOR A CLINIC IN DEIRA, required. Email {1452738}


SPECIALIST RADIOLOGIST, WITH 5 YEARS experience and DOH licence, required. Email {1453011}


STAFF NURSE, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453031}


SURGEON, SOUTH INDIAN WITH DOH license, for a Clinic in Al Quoz, required. Fax CV to 04-3395578. {1451131}


CARDIOLOGIST, MD CARDIOLOGY, with 7 years experience, Bilingual with MOH license, required for a leading institution in healthcare specialties in Dubai. Apply at: {1452893}


CONSULTANT ANESTHESIOLOGIST, with 7 years experience, Bilingual with MOH license, required for a leading institution in healthcare specialties in Dubai. Apply at: {1452899}


MALE NURSE, REQUIRED URGENTLY FOR a contracting company in UAE, candidates with relevant experience & qualification . Apply online at {1451698}


NEUROLOGIST, MD NEUROLOGY, with 7 years experience, Bilingual with MOH license, required for a leading institution in healthcare specialities in Dubai. Apply at: {1452889}


PHARMACIST, LADY, WITH HAAD license, part-time, required in Abu Dhabi. Call 055-9947433/ 050-5220510 {1450642}


STAFF NURSE, REQUIRED FOR a medical Centre in Abu Dhabi. Email CV to: {1452778}


ASSISTANT PHARMACIST, FEMALE, with MOH licence, required. Fax CV 06-5431156. {1453001}


ASSISTANT PHARMACIST, REQUIRED. Fax CV 06-5625487. {1452998}


ASSISTANT PHARMACIST, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a pharmacy in Sharjah, required. Fax CV 06-5730647. {1452955}




AYURVEDIC DOCTOR, FOR A MEDICAL centre in Sharjah, required. Email CV to {1449829}


AYURVEDIC DOCTOR, FOR A MEDICAL centre in Sharjah, required. Email {1453004}


AYURVEDIC THERAPISTS, WITH MOH, REQUIRED for a medical centre, for Sharjah. Email CV to {1449837}


DENTAL ASSISTANT WITH/ WITHOUT MOH ON husbands visa, for a polyclinic in Sharjah, Arabic speaking preferred, required. Call 055-8842468. {1452536}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, FEMALE, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre, in Sharjah, required. Fax CV 06-5248883. {1452665}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, FEMALE, with MOH licence, for a medical centre in Sharjah, required. Fax CV 06-5735900. {1452623}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, WITH MOH licence, required. Call 06-7483199. {1452672}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, WITH MOH licence, husbands visa, for a clinic in Sharjah, required. Call 055-8842458. {1453014}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, WITH MOH licence, for a medical centre in Ajman, required. Call 06-7483199. {1452632}


DENTAL ASSISTANT, WITH OR WITHOUT MOH licence, in Ajman, required. Fax CV 06-7424280. {1452851}


DENTAL NURSE, FEMALE, FOR a medical centre in Sharjah, required. Fax CV 06-5669052. {1452700}


DENTIST, FILIPINO/ INDIAN, MOH licence, in Sharjah, required. Fax CV 06-7435173. {1452765}


DENTIST, INDIAN, WITH EXPERIENCE, required for a dental clinic in Al Nahda. Call 050-7479870 {1452496}


DENTIST, WITH MOH LICENCE, FOR A MEDICAL CENTRE IN Sharjah, required. Email {1452769}


DOCTOR, SKIN SPECIALIST, REQUIRED for a medical centre in Sharjah. Email CV to {1449828}


DOCTORS ( ANY SPECIALITY) REQUIRED. Email CV to or fax to 06-5434565 {1453413}


DOCTORS, REQUIRED FOR A MEDICAL centre in Ajman. Fax CV to 06-7457040 or Call to 055-9856210 / 06-7457400 {1453066}


ENT SPECIALIST FOR A POLYCLINIC NEAR Sharjah, required. Fax CV to 06- 5626656 or email to {1453297}


GENERAL PEDIATRICIAN WITH MOH REQUIRED for a leading medical centre in Fujairah. Email CV to {1451426}


GENERAL PRACTIONER, IN SHARJAH, Required. Email {1452813}


GENERAL PRACTITIONER, FEMALE, INDIAN, WITH MOH license, required for a medical centre in sharjah. Attractive salary offered. Call to 055-9963625 {1454211}


GP, FEMALE, WITH MOH LICENCE, female, required. Fax CV 06-8829936. {1452774}


GP, FOR A CLINIC IN SHARJAH, required. Email {1452784}


GP, WITH MOH LICENCE, FOR 1 month, in Ras Al Khaimah, required. Fax CV 07-2444734. {1452783}


GP, WITH MOH LICENCE, FOR A medical centre in Sharjah, required. Email {1452793}


GP, WITH MOH LICENCE, IN SHARJAH, required. Fax CV 06-5248883. {1452781}


GYNAECOLOGIST, FEMALE, FOR a medical centre, required. Fax CV 06-8829936. {1452773}


LABORATORY TECHNICIAN REQUIRED for a Diagnostic centre in Sharjah. Fax CV 06-5651335. {1451116}


MALE NURSE, REQUIRED URGENTLY FOR a contracting company in UAE, candidates with relevant experience & qualification . Apply online at {1451701}


NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR, BNYS, required for a medical centre, for Sharjah. Email CV to {1449832}


NURSE WITH/ WITHOUT MOH ON husbands visa, for a polyclinic in Sharjah, Arabic speaking preferred, required. Call 055-8842468. {1452549}


NURSE, FEMALE, , WITH MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre, required. Email {1452914}


NURSE, FEMALE, ANY NATIONALITY, with or without MOH licence, in Fujairah, required. Email {1452904}


NURSE, FEMALE, FOR A HOSPITAL, Sharjah Timing (Sun- Thur) 8am -4pm (Fri 7 am -12 pm). Fax CV to 06-5771823. {1454371}


NURSE, FEMALE, FOR A MEDICAL centre in Sharjah, required. Call 050-6324788. {1452909}


NURSE, FEMALE, FOR A MEDICAL centre in Sharjah, required. Email {1452912}


NURSE, FEMALE, ON HUSBAND’S/ father’s visa, with/ without MOH licence, required for a dental clinic in Sharjah. Fax CV 06-5733868. {1452906}


NURSE, FEMALE, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a clinic in Sharjah, required. Email {1452917}


NURSE, FILIPINO WITH OR WITHOUT MOH required, for a Clinic in Sharjah. Email {1452820}


NURSE, FOR A CLINIC IN SHARJAH, required. Email {1452872}


NURSE, INDIAN, FEMALE, WITH diploma, for a clinic in RAK, required. Fax CV 07-2222831. {1449601}


NURSE, INDIAN, ON HUSBANDS or fathers visa, with or without MOH licence, in Sharjah, required. Call 050-3673430. {1452888}


NURSE, WITH MOH LICENCE, HUSBANDS visa, for a clinic in Sharjah, required. Call 055-8842458. {1453016}


NURSE, WITH MOH LICENCE, FOR a medical centre in Ajman, required. Call 06-7483199. {1452882}


NURSE, WITH OR WITHOUT MOH licence, in Ajman, required. Fax CV 06-7424280. {1452850}


NURSE, WITH, MOH LICENCE REQUIRED FOR A MEDICAL centre in Ajman. Fax CV to 06-7457040 or Call to 055-9856210 / 06-7457400 {1453075}


NURSES WITH MOH, REQUIRED for a medical centre, for Sharjah. Email CV to {1449835}


ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALIST, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453030}


ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON, IN SHARJAH, Required . Email {1452810}


PAEDIATRICIANS, FOR A CLINIC IN Sharjah, required. Email {1452808}


PATHOLOGIST WITH MOH REQUIRED for a leading medical centre in Fujairah. Email CV to {1451424}


PATHOLOGIST, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453026}


PATHOLOGIST, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453021}


PEDIATRICIAN, MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre in Sharjah, required. Email {1452942}


PEDIATRICIAN, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a medical centre in Sharjah, required. Email {1452950}


PEDIATRICIAN, WITH MOH LICENCE, IN SHARJAH, required. Fax CV 06-5248883. {1452782}


PHARMACIST, FEMALE, WITH MOH licence, required. Fax CV 06-5431156. {1453002}


PHARMACIST, PART TIME OR FULL time, with MOH licence, for a pharmacy in Ajman, required. Fax CV 06-7486047. {1452966}


PHARMACIST, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a pharmacy in Sharjah, required. Call 050-3612540. {1452987}


PHARMACIST, WITH MOH LICENCE, for a pharmacy in Sharjah, required. Fax CV 06-5730647. {1452953}


PHARMACIST, WITH MOH LICENSE required, for a pharmacy in Fujairah. Call 050-5205233 {1452983}




PHYSIOTHERAPIST, FOR A POLYCLINIC near Sharjah, required. Fax CV to 06- 5626656 or email to {1453129}


PHYSIOTHERAPIST, FOR A POLYCLINIC near Sharjah, required. Fax CV to 06- 5626656 or email to {1453035}


STAFF NURSE, WITH MOH LICENSE, for Sharjah Clinic, required. Fax CV to 06-5626656. {1453032}


3 FEMALE SINGERS REQUIRED for a multilingual pop band to sing songs in English, Tagalog and Hindi. Call 050-7644027/ 050-3641937 {1452798}


A GRADE SECURITY GUARDS, urgently required for nightclubs. Email CV {1450273}


A/C TECHNICIAN, A/C ENGINEER & Driver, with 3 years UAE exp., required. Email CV to {1452809}


ACCOUNTANT & ADMINISTRATIVE Officer, required for a company. Email CV to {1452818}


ACCOUNTANT & OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR required urgently for a company in Dubai. Email CV to {1452821}


ACCOUNTANT CUM SECRETARY, female, with residence visa, required. Call 055-9027945/ 050-5910132 {1454958}


ACCOUNTANT, DRIVER & OFFICE Boy, required for an ice cream company. Email CV to {1452824}


ACCOUNTANT, PURCHASER, DRIVER, preferably with Gulf exp., required. Email CV to {1452827}


ACROBATICS, MALE / FEMALE WITH experience, any nationality urgently required. for Emirates land Events & Ceremony Company. Email CV to {1454250}




ARABIC TYPIST CUM PRO, WITH knowledge of labour & immigration works, required. Call 04-3523221/ 050-7483562 {1454985}


ARTIST & DESIGNER, WITH DEGREE in Finance, required for a company. Email CV to {1454986}


ASSISTANT BUYING COORDINATOR, with very good computer knowledge & typing skills, required. Email CV to {1454988}


ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER, 25 years, with D/L, required for a commercial studio in Al Quoz. Email CV to {1454999}


ASSISTANT SAFETY OFFICER, WITH MINIMUM 3 years experience as assistant safety officer, required for an reputed contracting company. Email CV or Fax CV 04-3362934 {1454677}


ASSISTANT, FEMALE, WITH GOOD personality & good communication skills, required. Call 050-9421595 {1452835}


ASSISTANT, MALE, ARABIC SPEAKING, with good personality & fluent in English, required. Call 050-9421595 {1452838}


ASSOCIATE PURCHASING SPECIALIST, with experience as a buyer, required for a multinational firm. Email CV to {1452843}


AUTO PAINTER, FABRICATOR & Welder required for an advertising company. Fax CV to 04-3391044 or Call 04-3394911 {1452845}


BACK OFFICE SUPPORT IN GENERAL Insurance, with exp. in fire insurance, marine insurance and medical insurance, required for a Compass Insurance Brokers, LLC. Email CV to / or fax CV to 04-3535692 {1453615}


BIKE MESSENGERS REQUIRED for a shipping company in Dubai & Jebel Ali branches. Fax CV to 04-3526868 {1452854}


BUS DRIVER, WITH A D/L; & FEMALE Receptionist required for a 5 star hotel in Deira, Dubai. Email CV to {1452857}


CALL CENTER AGENT, ARABIC & English speaking, required. Salary Dhs.2500/-. Email CV to {1452867}


CALL CENTER AGENTS, HINDI/ Urdu speaking, on own visa, required. Email CV to {1452864}


CALL CENTER REPRESENTATIVE, with work experience in related field, Hotel/ Airlines etc., can speak English & Arabic, required. Salary offered Dhs: 8000 /- & above. Fax CV to 04-2976660 or Email CV {1449493}


CALL CENTRE AGENTS, WITH A background in finance, required. Email CV to or Fax CV to 04-2299463 {1455005}


CAMERAMAN, TAMIL SPEAKING, required urgently for a Tamil TV channel in Dubai. Call 050-6507604 {1452870}


CHANNEL SUPPORT POSITION, FEMALE, experienced in Consumer Electronics, must be aggressive, organize and coordinate. Email to {1451076}


CHEMIST IN PAINTING, GRADUATE, male/ female, Filipino/ Indian, fluent in English, required. Email CV to {1455012}


CHILD MODELS, SINGERS & RECEPTIONIST, required for an advertising company. Email CV to {1452874}


CIVIL ENGINEER & COMPUTER Operator required for a company. Fax CV to 04-2582074 {1452878}


CIVIL ENGINEER (4 NOS.), WITH D/L; & Light Duty Driver (2 Nos.), required for a swimming pool company. Fax CV to 04-2958982 {1452884}


CIVIL ENGINEER AND PURCHASER, with UAE experience, required for a contracting company. Email CV to {1452881}


CLEANER URGENTLY REQUIRED for building cleaning. Call 050-5371337 {1452916}


CLEANERS, FEMALE, REQUIRED urgently for a big business centre. Email CV or or Call 050-2195050 {1454669}


COMMERCIAL EXECUTIVE & SHIPPING Coordinator, with 2 years experience in a shipping company. Email CV to {1452921}


COORDINATOR, FEMALE, BUSINESS graduate, with good communication skills, required. Email CV to {1452926}


COORDINATOR, INDIAN, FEMALE, with fluency in English, required. Email CV to or Fax CV to 04-3389797 {1452924}


COPY ROOM OPERATOR, MALE / FEMALE, on visit visa / transferable visa, with computer knowledge, & can operate photocopy machine / printer / scanner & able to handle telephone calls required. Fax CV to 04-3327456 {1454665}


COPYWRITER & SALES EXECUTIVE, preferably with a D/L, required for an advertising agency. Email CV to {1452928}


COPYWRITER, INDIAN, PROFESSIONAL in English copywriting, required to work on project basis. Fax CV to 04-3930351 {1452931}


CUSTOMER SUPPORT PERSONNEL, WITH Arabic & English speaking required for a medical centre in dubai. Driving license is a must. Email CV to {1451137}


DECORATOR, EXPERIENCED REQUIRED for a new British villa maintenance company. Must hold UAE D/L And have first class English language skills. Email CV to {1451939}


DELIVERY BOY NO NEED FOR LICENSE, required. Email CV to or fax to 04-2223489 {1451319}


DELIVERY BOY, PART-TIME, WITH motorcycle D/L, required for an optical shop in Dubai. Call 050-5442228 {1453196}


DELIVERY BOY, WITH VALID UAE D/L, required. Salary Dhs.2500/- + food + visa. Fax CV to 04-3405604 {1452940}


DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE FOR food product with flavor industrial experience wanted for an MNC in Dubai. Email CV to {1450005}


DJ’S, ANY NATIONALITY, REQUIRED for events. Email CV to {1449808}


EDITOR & TV ANCHOR, TAMIL SPEAKING, with experience, required for a Tamil TV channel. Call 050-6507604 {1452968}


EDITOR/ CAMERAMAN, ARAB, with 5 years experience, required for a production company. Call 050-7860717 {1452971}


ELECTRICAL ENGINEER & ELECTRICIAN, computer literate, with 3 years exp., required. Fax CV to 04-3333088 {1452974}


ELECTRICAL/ PLUMBING FOREMAN & Pipe Fitter, with 6-7 years experience, required. Fax CV to 04-2698156 {1452973}


EMCEE, FEMALE, REQUIRED FOR events. Email CV to {1452978}


ENGLISH EDITOR/ JOURNALIST, with UAE experience, required for a trading publication in Dubai Media City. Email CV to {1452979}


EXCELLENT SPEAKER OF ARABIC to assist in a new language project, required. Ability to translate dialogue with good ‘recording voice‘, required. Email CV to {1453418}


EXCELLENT SPEAKER OF ARABIC to assist in a new language project, required. Ability to translate dialogue with good ‘recording voice‘, required. Email CV to {1453416}


EXCELLENT SPEAKER OF ARABIC to assist in a new language project, required. Ability to translate dialogue with good ‘recording voice‘, required. Email CV to {1453417}


EXPERIENCED EDITOR, TAMIL speaking, required urgently for a Tamil TV channel in Dubai. Call 050-6507604 {1449617}


EXPORTS COORDINATOR, WITH experience in Procurement & Logistics activities with knowledge of industrial & engineering products required, for an International Oil & Gas Company in Dubai. knowledge of computer is a must. Email CV + Photo & expected salary to {1455008}


FEMALE EMCEE, REQUIRED FOR events. Email CV to {1449810}


FLOURIST, MALE/FEMALE REQUIRED for a flowershop. Email CV to: titusv4joseph@ or Fax CV to 04-2541067 {1454483}


HANDYMEN REQUIRED FOR NEW British villa maintenance company. Professional qualifications and UAE D/L needed. Must have excellent English language skills. Email CV to {1451938}


HIP HOP DANCER / SALSA DANCERS / Tango Dancers, REQUIRED FOR events. Email CV to {1449816}


INTERNET CAFE ATTENDANT, female, computer literate, required for an internet cafe. Call 050-6593901 {1452982}


INTERNET CAFE ATTENDANT, Filipino, with experience, required for an internet cafe. Call 050-5733134 {1452980}


INTERVIEWERS, BILINGUAL, REQUIRED for a qualitative & quantitative market research company. Call 04-3527869 {1452984}


KIDS ENTERTAINERS, REQUIRED for events. Email CV to {1449809}


LAUNDRY STAFF (2 NOS.), HARDWORKING & English speaking, required. Call 050-4668148/ 050-4952554 {1452990}


LEAD DESIGNER (UX), CANDIDATES with relevant qualification & experience required for a leading web technology provider in UAE, location is Dubai. Apply at: {1453186}


LIFEGUARD, MALE/ FEMALE, WITH relevant experience, urgently required for a company. Fax CV to 04-2664312 {1452995}


LIGHT DUTY DRIVER & ELECTRICIAN, required for a company in Dubai. Call 04-2859177 {1452997}


LIGHT DUTY VEHICLE DRIVER, any national, required for a company. Fax CV to 04-3402551 {1453006}


LOAD TESTING SUPERVISORS, Q/C Engineers & NDT Technicians required for an inspection company. Email CV to {1453012}


LOGISTICS ASSISTANT, FLUENT in English, with experience in the shipping industry, required. Email CV to {1453017}


LOGISTICS COORDINATOR, WITH exp. in logistics management, required. Email CV to {1453019}


LOGISTICS EXECUTIVE, WITH EXPERIENCE in shipping lines, required for a trading company. Good salary. Email CV to {1453043}


LOGISTICS EXECUTIVE, WITH A D/L & UAE experience, required. Email CV + expected salary to {1453062}


LOGISTICS SPECIALIST REQUIRED for a oil field company in Dubai. Email CV to {1453086}


LOGISTICS SPECIALIST REQUIRED for an oil field company in Dubai. Email CV to {1453095}


MARINE CAPTAIN, MALE, ANY antionality, with exp., required. Salary negotiable. Email CV to or fax CV to 04-2976660 {1449383}


MEDIA BUYERS, BILINGUAL, WITH relevant qualification & experience, required for a leading conglomerate in Dubai. Apply at: admin@ {1452985}


MEDIA PLANNER, BILINGUAL, WITH relevant qualification & experience, required for a leading conglomerate in Dubai. Apply at: {1452989}


MERCHANDISER, WITH UAE D/L No.3 & 5, required. Email CV with Ref: MAG/130 to {1453108}


MESSANGERS, REQUIRED FOR A INTERNATIONAL Oil & gas company in Deira. Email CV to {1454496}


MESSENGER CUM OFFICE BOY/ Cleaner, with a motorcycle D/L, required. Email CV to {1453113}


MESSENGER, MALE, WITH MOTORCYCLE D/L & experience in freight forwarding, required. Fax CV to 04-2826429 {1453117}


MESSENGER, PART/ FULL- TIME, with a motorcycle D/L, required for a restaurant. Call 050-6598502 {1453123}


MESSENGER, WITH BOTH CAR & motorcycle license, for a Freight Forwarding Company., in Dubai, required. Email CV + photo to {1452297}


MESSENGER, WITH MOTORCYCLE license, 2-3 years experience on Dubai roads, required. Fax CV to 04-3419708 {1453131}


MODEL, FEMALE, ONE TIME JOB, required for photo shot to market for party dresses. Email CV {1452791}


MODEL, MALE, WITH/ WITHOUT experience, age 25-30, Indian, Mediterranean/ Lebanese, required. Email portfolio showing different profiles on {1453277}


MODELS, EDITORS, GRAPHIC DESIGNER & Cameraman, required for an advertising company. Email CV to {1453132}


MODELS, FEMALE, AGE 18- 30, with/ without experience, required. Email CV + photos to {1453146}


MODELS, FEMALE, WITH/ WITHOUT exp., required for a company. Email CV to or Call 050-9764223 {1453147}


MODELS, FEMALES, PART- TIME, required for a jewellery show. Fax CV + photo to {1453150}


MODELS, PROMOTERS & HOSTESS, urgently required for an upcoming fashion show & event. Email CV to {1453134}


MOTORBIKE DELIVERY BOY, WITH experience, required for a group of restaurant in Dubai. Visa provided. Call 04-3496003 {1453152}


MOTORBIKE MESSENGER & DRIVER, with UAE D/L, required. Call 050-2101905 {1453167}


MOTORBIKE MESSENGER, ENGLISH speaking, with own motorbike, required. Call 050-5539254 {1453181}


MOTORBIKE MESSENGER, WITH D/L & 2 years experience, required for a shipping company. Call 050-9888770 {1453182}


MOTORBIKE MESSENGER, WITH 2 years UAE exp., required for a restaurant. Fax CV to 04-2828778 {1453187}


MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY BOY, part-time (11am-3pm), required. Good salary provided. Call 050-5151820 {1453189}


MOTORCYCLE MESSENGER & Light Duty Driver, with valid UAE D/L, required. Fax CV to 04-3386723 or Call 050-8444515 {1453170}


MOTORCYCLE MESSENGER & Light Duty Driver, with a valid UAE D/L, required for an advertising company. Call 050-3500705 {1453192}


MOTORCYCLE MESSENGER, WITH a valid UAE D/L, required in Sharjah. Email CV to or Call 050-3625658 {1453184}


MOTORCYCLE, DISTRIBUTORS, WITH valid uae license, urgently required for a Restaurant in Dubai. Attractive salary + Commission offered. Fax to 04-3525057 or Call to 050-7149160 {1453020}


OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR, WITH experience required for an Electromechanical company in Al Quoz. Email CV to or Call to 050-2598105 {1452582}


OPERATIONS, MALE / FEMALE, any nationality, with 3 years experience, required for a Logistic Company. Email CV to or Fax CV 04-2272815 {1454550}


PARTS CONTROLLER, REQUIRED FOR recovery cranes. Fax CV from 8AM-8PM to 04-3402029 or email CV to {1450716}


PARTY COORDINATOR, MALE/ female, with experience in events coordination, (salary Dhs.1350 to 1500 + accommodation + transport), required. Fax CV to 04- 2976660 or Email to {1449484}


PERSONNEL OFFICER, MINIMUM 3years experience in personnel in UAE, ability to use online visa application and should know UAE Labour and Immigration laws and regulations, required. Email CV amin@alattargroup.coma or Fax CV 04-3362934 or Call 050-9978213 {1454671}


PHOTOCOPIER TECHNICIAN, WITH knowledge of printing, fax & computer connectivity, required. Fax CV to 04-3961619. {1450461}




PHOTOGRAPHER, FEMALE, WITH relevant experience in Photoshop CS2, required. Fax CV to 04-2713115 {1453203}


PIPE FITTER, ELECTRICIAN & DRIVER required for a general maintenance company. Email CV to {1453209}


PRE-PRESS OPERATOR/ DESIGNER required for an advertising company in Dubai. Email CV to {1453212}


PRO, SMART AND PRESENTABLE, 3-4 years with UAE experienced, English-Arabic speaking, required. Email CV to {1452836}


PROCUREMENT OFFICER, PART-TIME, Indian, with knowledge of the local market, required. Email CV to {1453220}


PROCUREMENT OFFICER, WITH 3-5 years exp. & fluency in English, required. Email CV to or Fax CV to 04-3362934 {1453227}


PROCUREMENT OFFICER, WITH 3-5 years exp. & fluency in English, required. Email CV to or Fax CV to 04-3362934 {1454678}


PROCUREMENT/ PURCHASE OFFICER, with degree & proficiency in MS Excel, Access & Word, required. Email CV to {1453218}


PROFESSIONAL FLORIST, REQUIRED for a company. Email CV to {1454434}


PROJECT COORDINATOR URGENTLY required for a construction company in Dubai, must have experience within UAE, good package. Fax CV 04-3360680/ 04-3373365. {1450309}


PROJECT COORDINATOR, WITH relevant experience, required for a company. Email CV to {1453236}


PROJECT/ MEP COORDINATOR, with 6-7 years Gulf experience, required for a company. Fax CV to 04-2698156 {1453229}


PROMOTERS & MODELS REQUIRED for an event management company. Email CV + portfolio to {1453244}


PROPERTY CONSULTANT, WITH 1-2 years experience, required. Email CV to {1453245}


PROPERTY CONSULTANTS, WITH atleast one year Real Estate experienced UK/ USA candidate preferred. Excellent salary package. Email CV to {1452922}


PURCHASE ASSISTANT, MALE, philipino, with excellant, typing speed, knowledge of Ms office, Excel, Internet, required for a jebel ali company. Email CV to {1450792}


PURCHASE ASSISTANT, MALE, with excellent typing speed & good knowledge of MS Office, required. Email CV to {1453249}


PURCHASE ASSISTANT, WITH 4-5 years experience in the spare parts industry, required. Email CV to {1453254}


PURCHASE ASSISTANT, WITH a D/L & exp. in steel purchasing, required. Email CV to or Fax CV to 04-3476740 {1453251}


PURCHASE EXECUTIVE WITH FOOD/ Diary industry required. Experience wanted for an MNC in Dubai. Email CV to {1453400}


PURCHASE EXECUTIVE WITH FOOD industry experience, required for an MNC in Dubai. Email CV to {1453262}


PURCHASE EXECUTIVES, ARAB, with accounts background & relevant experience, required. Email CV to {1453256}


PURCHASE OFFICER, HANDLE all procurement requirements in coordination with workshop, stores, sites & office personnel, minimum 2 years experience in UAE, with computer skills, required. Email CV to or fax CV to 04-2976660 {1451926}


PURCHASE OFFICER, WITH 5 YEARS experience in purchasing & procurement, required. Email CV to {1453265}


PURCHASING CLERK, WITH EXPERIENCE in accounts, correspondence claims, l/Cs, shipping arrangements & Ms office. required for a retail company in Dubai. Email CV to {1451614}


QUANTITY SURVEYOR, WITH 3 - 5 years experience in earthworks, road construction and infrastructures, required. Email CV to {1453355}


RESEARCH ANALYST, PREFERABLY with background in a construction company & D/L, required. Email CV to {1453281}


RESEARCHER, WITH A UAE D/L & experience in the construction industry, required. Email CV to {1453284}


RESERVATION AGENT, EUROPEAN/ Arab, with exp. in hotel industry, required. Email CV to {1453285}


RIGGER, WITH EXCELLENT SPOKEN and written English, technical skills, required. Salary Dhs.4000-Dhs.4500, accommodation and food provided. Email CV to {1451914}


ROOM ATTENDANT, MAINTENANCE Staff & Bell Boy, required. Email CV to or Fax CV to 04-3457773 {1453290}


RUSSIAN SPEAKING MALE/ FEMALE, with UAE experience in real estate business, required. Email CV ot {1453294}


SAFETY OFFICER, WITH MINIMUM 3 years experience as safety officer, required for an reputed contracting company. Email CV or Fax CV 04-3362934 {1454673}


SALES EXECUTIVE & RECEPTIONIST required for a company. Email CV to {1453301}


SECRETARY & GRAPHIC DESIGNER, required for an advertising company in Dubai. Fax CV to 04-3310168 {1453304}


SECRETARY, ELECTRICIAN (2 Nos.) & Pipe Fitters (2 Nos.), required for a company. Fax CV to 04-3330948 {1453309}


SECRETARY, PIPING INSPECTOR & Welding inspector, required. Email CV to {1453428}


SECRETARY, RESERVATIONS Staff & Assistant Sales/ Marketing Manager, required. Email CV to {1453430}


SECURITY GUARD REQUIRED FOR a company in Dubai. Attractive salary offered. Call 050-5157084 {1453431}


SECURITY GUARD, MALE, WITH minimum 3 years experience as security guard, ability to communicate in English is advantage. Email CV or Fax CV 04-3362934 {1454672}


SECURITY GUARD, REQUIRED for a bank in Dubai. Call 050-4365745 {1454340}


SERVICE ADVISOR 4NOS., REQUIRED for car. Fax CV from 8AM-8PM to 04-3402029 or email CV to {1450697}


SHIPPING /CUSTOM APPLICANT, with bachelor degree and with enough in shipping and custom clearane in Dubai, required for an International trading company in Dubai. Email CV {1451882}


STREET DANCERS, MALE / FEMALE WITH experience, any nationality urgently required. for Emirates land Events & Ceremony Company. Email CV to {1454256}


STRUCTURAL ENGINEER & MARKETING Executive, with good experience, required. Email CV to {1453345}


STRUCTURAL SITE INSPECTOR, JOB ID: 5619, To survey works, hot weather precautions for concrete, constructing cast in place. Apply online at {1454529}


SUPERINTENDENT & FIELD ENGINEER, with D/L & 3 years exp. in construction, blue prints, required. Email CV to {1453347}


TECHNICAL CONSULTANT, WITH IT degree, experience in DBA & good English command, required. Fax CV to 04-2688796 {1453978}


TELEMARKETING, FEMALE, INDIAN, required for selling financial products. Email CV {1449665}


TELEPHONE OPERATOR, RUSSIAN speaking, required. Salary Dhs.1300 - Dhs.1500 + accommodation transportation, meals, ticket (every 2 years) and free medical, provided. Email CV to or fax CV to 04-2976660 {1449504}


TICKETING STAFF (FEMALE) WITH relevant experience in reservation systems required. Email CV to {1453426}


TRAINER WITH RETAIL EXPERIENCED and first class in written and spoken English. Email CV to {1451194}


TRANSPORT COORDINATOR, WELL experienced, urgently, required for an Indian School in Dubai.Fax CV to 04-2679014 {1453349}


TRAVEL AGENT CUM SALES EXECUTIVE, with knowledge of tour packages, required. Email CV to {1453350}


TRAVEL CONSULTANT & OUTBOUND Holiday Consultant, with 2 years exp. in Galileo, required. Email CV to {1453352}


TRAVEL CONSULTANT, FEMALE, indian, with knowledge of relevant system required. Email CV {1449618}


WAITRESS & DRIVER REQUIRED for a restaurant in Dubai. Call 050-7441259 {1453358}


WAITRESS & SECRETARY REQUIRED for a company in Dubai. Email CV to {1453363}


WALK IN INTERVIEW FOR PROPERTY CONSULTANT, from 04-06-2008 to 11-06- 2008 at 5pm to 8pm. Email CV or Fax CV 04-3348489 or Call 050-6501736 {1450474}


WAREHOUSE ASSISTANT, ARAB, with knowledge of English, required. Email CV with Ref: MAG/138 to {1453369}


WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR AND Sales Executive, with FMCG experience, required. Email CV to {1453377}


WATCHMAN, WITH EXPERIENCE, required. Fax CV to 06-5541733 {1453381}


WATCHMAN, WITH EXPERIENCE, required for a mall in Dubai & Sharjah. Call 050-5977160 {1453380}


WATER EXHIBITIONISTS, MALE / FEMALE WITH experience, any nationality urgently required. for Emirates land Events & Ceremony Company. Email CV to {1454241}


COUNTRY MANAGER SECURITY (Vietnam) JOB ID: 5556, Graduate with 5-10 years of working experience in corporate environment and military or law enforcement. Apply online at {1453525}


LEAD DESIGNER (UX), CANDIDATES with relevant qualification & experience required for a leading web technology provider in UAE, location is Dubai. Apply at: {1453076}


LEGAL ADVISOR, ARABIC AND English speaking/ writing. UK/ US educated, preferably with UAE companies Law experienced, attractive salary for the right candidate. Email Cv to {1452848}


MEDIA BUYERS, BILINGUAL, WITH relevant qualification & experience, required for a leading conglomerate in Dubai. Apply at: admin@ {1452986}


MEDIA PLANNER, BILINGUAL, WITH relevant qualification & experience, required for a leading conglomerate in Dubai. Apply at: {1452991}


PROPERTY CONSULTANT, JOB ID: 5557, Candidate should have high quality of customer service experience, with outgoing personality. Apply online at {1453584}


STRUCTURAL SITE INSPECTOR, JOB ID: 5619, To survey works, hot weather precautions for concrete, constructing cast in place. Apply online at {1453578}


WORKSHOP SECTION HEAD. REQUIRED with relevant experience qualification for a Petroleum company. Send CV to Fax:02-6336858/ Email: visit website: {1449389}


A/C ENGINEER, HVAC DRAFTSMAN & Driver, required. Fax CV to 06- 5322394 or Call 06-5332020 {1452806}


AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR, RECEPTIONIST & Cleaner, with experience, required in Ajman. Call 06-7422010 {1452829}


BOOKING AGENT, WITH KNOWLEDGE of Galileo or Amedus, required for a travel company. Call 06-7466746 / {1450921}


CALL CENTER AGENT, FEMALE, resident of Sharjah/ Ajman, required for a company in Sharjah Airport FZ. Email CV to {1453862}


DELIVERY BOY, WITH MOTORCYCLE D/L, required for a restaurant in Ajman. Call 050-7959813 {1452943}


DELIVERY BOYS, WITH RELEVANT exp. in hotel or restaurant, required for an exquisite fine dining chain of restaurants. Fax CV to 06-5720662 {1452949}


DRIVER & CIVIL FOREMAN, WITH 1 year UAE experience, required for a company. Fax CV to 06-7483227 or Call 050-7001230 {1452951}


DRIVER (TEMPORARY) FOR A 30-SEATER vehicle; & Cleaner (Filipina) required for a resort in Sharjah. Fax CV to 06-5224631 {1452959}


ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, ELECTRICAL Foreman & Electrician, with UAE exp., required for a company in Ajman. Fax CV to 06-7492697 {1452976}


GUEST SERVICE AGENT, WITH, experience required, for a 3 star hotel in Sharjah. Email CV & covering letter to Personnel Manager or Fax CV to 06-5283344 {1455214}


HOTEL BOOKING STAFF, REQUIRED for a travel company. Call 06-7466746 / {1453136}


MESSENGER, WITH A VALID MOTORCYCLE D/L, urgently required for a hospital in Sharjah. Fax CV to 06-5771758 {1453127}


MOTORBIKE MESSENGER REQUIRED for a medical centre. Fax CV to 06-5651335 or Call 050-6338923 {1453178}


MOTORCYCLE MESSENGER, WITH UAE license, urgently sharjah Call to 050-1647372 or 050-5299517 {1452853}


PARTY ORGANIZER, FEMALE, REQUIRED for a company based in Sharjah. Email CV to {1453382}


PHOTOGRAPHER, FEMALE WITH experience in photo editing required for a company in Sharjah. Email CV to {1453384}


SIGN BOARD FITTERS, WITH EXPERIENCE, required for a sign company in sharjah. Call to 050-8464111 {1454345}


STAFF, REQUIRED FOR A SHARJAH based travel agency. Email CV to or call 06- 5221653/ 06-5223834 {1449621}


TELEPHONE OPERATOR, WITH,HOTEL experience required, for a 3 star hotel in Sharjah. Email CV & covering letter to Personnel Manager or Fax CV to 06-5283344 {1455367}


!! Required !! ** Property Consultant ** ** Sales Executive ** Male / Female with UAE D/L Good knowledge of Dubai Property Market for a Real Estate Company in Dubai Salary + Commission Highest in the Industry Standard. WALK IN INTERVIEW FROM 04-06-2008 TO 12-06-2008 AT 5 pm to 8 pm Email CV : or Fax CV : 04-3348489 or Call : 050-6501736 Website : {1449709}


ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, ARABIC and English speaking, required. Email CV to {1454738}


ASSISTANT / PRESALES, SUPPORT STAFF required, for a trading company in Jebel ali. with knowledge of good English, tabling, excel & communication. Email CV to {1453435}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, iranian, female, fluent in English, required fo a financial services company at Dubai. Email CV {1449669}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, graduate, required. Email CV to {1452566}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, with exp. in sales and marketing field, required. Email CV to {1452289}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, for a reputed Institute in Bur Dubai, required. Call 04-3974905. {1452294}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVES, female, required. Email {1452292}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, Asian, graduate, with experience, for a company, required. Email CV to {1452296}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, with experience in the sale & marketing field, required. Fax CV to 04-3590669. {1452299}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, male/female, required for a company. Email CV to {1452301}


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE, Indian, with 5 years UAE exp., good business background and D/L, required. Email CV to {1454741}


CALL CENTRE AGENT, REQUIRED urgently. Call 050-5995774 {1452309}


CCTV MARKETING EXECUTIVE, male/female, required. Call 050-2859177 {1452306}


CLIENT SERVICING EXECUTIVE, WITH 3 years advertising experience in UAE with driving license & car required Email CV {1450480}


CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE Salesman, Indian, with UAE D/L, required. Email CV to {1452320}


CONSULTANT, MALE / FEMALE, Keralite, required for an insurance company. Call 050-4689410 {1452322}


COUNTER SALES EXECUTIVE, WITH 2-5 years of experience in Industrial / Engg equipment’s industrial goods, pumps,& in construction materials required, for a leading business group. Email CV to {1451917}


COUNTER SALES GIRL, ON RESIDENCE visa, with exp., required. Call 04-3496003 {1452324}


COUNTER SALESMAN FOR BUILDING materials company, required. Knowledge in English and Hindi required. Salary AED 1600/-. Email CV to {1453415}


COUNTER SALESMAN, ASIAN, 25-30 years, required for a building material company. Reference required. Email CV to or call 050-7865189 {1453063}


COUNTER SALESMAN, WITH GULF exp., required. Email CV to {1452331}


CUSTOMER SERVICE / AGENCY EXECUTIVE, with 1 yr experience, required. Email CV to {1452342}


DRIVER, TAMIL SPEAKING, REQUIRED urgently for a Tamil TV channel in Dubai. Call 050-6507604 {1451351}


EXECUTIVE SECRETARY WITH secretarial duties, good English and computer skills required. Email Cv to {1451347}


EXPERIENCED CAMERA MAN, TAMIL speaking, required urgently for a Tamil TV channel in Dubai. Call 050-6507604 {1449620}


EXPERIENCED MARKETING EXECUTIVE, TAMIL speaking, required urgently for a Tamil TV channel in Dubai. Call 050-6507604 {1449619}


FOOD SERVICE SALES EXECUTIVE, with min. 1 years F&B sales exp in UAE food service sector, currently holding supervisory / managerial sales position, holding valid UAE D/L for atleast 6 months, required. Email CV to {1452371}


GRAPHIC DESIGNER, WITH EXPERIENCE required, for Print / Media/ Advertisement company. Email CV to {1451936}


HEAD - OPERATIONS, 15/ 18 YEARS of marketing experience, required for a leading business school/ university in Dubai. Apply at: {1452957}


INSURANCE CONSULTANT, MALE/ female, any nationality for a reputed Life Insurance Co., required. Call Jaffer 050-6520521. {1451057}


INSURANCE CONSULTANT, MALE/ female, for an insurance company, required. Call 050-6213601. {1451054}




IT FIELD SALES EXECUTIVE, GRADUATE, with 1 year exp. and good communication skills, required. Email CV to {1452382}


IT FIELD SALES EXECUTIVE, GRADUATES, male /female, with 6 months + experience and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Email CV {1455436}


IT SOLUTIONS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT executive, mba in marketing /IT, with 2years experience in sales of IT solutions /IT services. EmaiL CV {1455447}


LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, KERALITE, fluent in English, requried. Training and visa provided. Call 050-3429461 {1451061}


MARKET RESERACHER CUM SECRETARY, with 2-6 years exp., can draft business letters, knowledge of accounting, excellent MS Office application, good memory, required. Email CV to {1450777}


MARKETING ,FEMALES, HAVING good experience in Real Estate required. Email CV to or Fax to 04-3989599 {1451470}


MARKETING ASSISTANT, FLUENT in English, required. Email CV with photo to {1452387}


MARKETING ASSISTANT, QUALIFIED, WITH experience, for a newly established multi- media company, required. Fax CV to 04-3492200. {1449705}


MARKETING CONSULTANT, GRADUATE. with 2 years experience in financial market, required. Fax CV to 04-3592594 {1452404}


MARKETING CONSULTANT, GRADUATE, on visit visa, with 2 years experience, in Financial works, required. Email {1452409}


MARKETING COORDINATOR, FEMALE, with relevant experience in marketing, required. Email CV to {1452416}


MARKETING COORDINATOR, WITH valid UAE D/L and 3 years UAE/GCC exp., required. Fax CV to 04-2723079 {1452422}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE , FEMALE required for a multinational company with 1-2 years experienced. Email CV to {1451222}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE - TRAVEL and tourism, Arabic speaking, with Galileo and hotel reservation exp., required. Email CV to {1452429}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE MALE/ female, for a Tamil TV channel in Dubai, required. Call 050-6507604. {1452568}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, ARAB, with UAE exp., for a company, required. Excellent package offered. Fax CV to 04-3590669. {1452444}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, ARABIC speaking, required. Email CV to {1452439}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, ARAB/ Indian, graduate, dynamic, for a company, required. Email CV to {1452445}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, ASIAN, graduate, with experience, for a company, required. Email CV to {1452447}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, BANGLADESHI, on residence visa, required. Fax CV to 04-2710408 {1452450}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, COMPUTER literate, with local experience, required. Email CV to {1452553}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, DEGREE holder, with 2 years Gulf exp., required. Email CV to {1452554}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FEMALE, Indian, requried. Email CV to {1452562}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FEMALE, preferably African, requried. Email CV to {1452560}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FEMALE, age below 30, required. Email CV to {1452559}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FEMALE, Keralites, required. Salary Dhs.4500. Email CV to {1452556}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FEMALE, LEBANESE, with 2 years experience,in uae required. Email CV to {1450715}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FEMALE, LEBANESE, with 2 years experience,in uae required. Email CV to {1453280}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, FULL time, with experience in software, required for a software company, in Dubai. Email CV to {1451313}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, GRADUATE, for a company, required. Email CV to {1452567}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, GRADUATE, for a company, required. Excellent package offered. Fax CV to 04-3590669. {1452432}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, INDIAN experience in UAE recruitment, holding valid UAE D/L, agency must, required. Fax CV to 04-2976660 or email CV to {1451933}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, INDIAN/ Filipino, for an Advertising company in Dubai. Call 050-4759964. {1452455}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, KERALITE, required. Visa provided. Call 050-9773536 {1452545}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, KERALITE, for a local bank, reuqired. Call 050-6951669. {1452457}




MARKETING EXECUTIVE, MALE/FEMALE, preferably Keralites, requried. Email CV to {1452572}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, MALE/FEMALE, Keralite/ Tamilian, required. Call 050-3712202 {1452831}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, MBA / BBA / BBM, with 4-5 years exp., required. Fax CV to 04-2698156 {1452552}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, REQUIRED for leading bank. Call Uday 050-8876689 {1452551}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, REQUIRED for leading bank. Call Rakesh 050-8876689 {1452547}




MARKETING EXECUTIVE, TAMIL speaking, with exp., required. Call 04-2736441 {1452454}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, UAE D/L and previous marketing experienced Retail environment required. Good negotiation and analytical skills. Email CV to {1451176}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH exp in trading platforms, required. Fax CV to 04-2663299 {1452746}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH 3 years UAE exp., required. Email CV to {1452828}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH exp. in sales and marketing field, required. Email CV to {1452563}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH relevant exp. in marketing and sports activites, required urgently. Email CV to {1452830}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH D/L with UAE experience for a interior decoration company, required. Call 050-6754661. {1452766}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH valid UAE D/L, pleasing personality, required for a company. Email CV to {1452755}


MARKETING EXECUTIVE, WITH experience required in software company in Dubai. Email

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